Mobile phone remote monitoring instructions for Android

1. Installation
Download Android app installation file (a "apk" suffix file), copy it to the mobile phone storage card, then run this installation file on your smart phone,system will confirm the operation, press "OK" to continue.

2. RunApplication icon
After installing the program, found in the applications list, click the icon to run the application.

3. Initial interfaceApp interface
Enter into the application interface, the central part is the list of hosts, but now it is empty,you can add multiple hosts to the list, then you can choose any host and connect.

Since run this application for the first time without adding any host before, there would be no host to be connected in the list. So add a host as the following picture showing. Press the "Add" button.

Add a host

4. Add host
The add host interface will be shown as the left picture.

DVR: Enter a name to identify the host, you can freely input this name, it will be a name display on the host list.
IP: Enter the IP address or your registered domain name which serer you want to connect.
Port: If you haven't change the port in the DVR program, the default port is 5500, if you have changed the DVR port, enter the port which you modified.
User Name: Enter the name existing in the DVR setting.
Password: The password for the user name in the DVR setting.

After finish input, press Save to save the host connection, or cancel if you want to.


5. Host listHost list
After save the added host, the program will be back to host list, the new host name which you just added will be shown on the screen as the right of the illustration. Add a host is only a shortcut to login the host, eliminate the trouble to enter the same information when you login each time.

Now you can select the host you just created, make sure you have connected the mobile phone network, Wi-Fi connection and 3G connection would be available, and then choose "Connect" button which on the left bottom of the screen, the application will try to connect to the server according to your settings.If connection failed, please make sure the server is working, and the settings was right.


Channel list6. Channel list
If the login information is right and the serve runs well, then you can login to the host. The channel list will be shown first as the left illustration.Channel list will show all the channels name what your username have the premission to see, you can press any one channel to view real-time monitoring video images.estabulish a channel may take some times, depending on your network.

PS: When you enter a channel ,you'll see the monitoring video,if you want to change the channel, just touch on the screen and hold on, then the channel list will display again.

Monitoring interface


7. Monitoring & PTZ interface

The right picture illustrated the monitoring & PTZ interface,the monitoring video will display on the middle of the screen.

On the bottom of the screen is the PTZ control panel, you can adjust the direction or zoom in and out,or adjust the iris and focus ,but first this channel bust be able to support PTZ function.

In the center of the PTZ control panel there had 2 icons, upper icon means the real size ,press it to display the video at real size. another button which is under the real size icon is the full screen icon , press it to expand the video screen to size to fit width.